Malcolm Winstanley Cross
Malcolm Winstanley Cross has lived and worked in Australia, the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and the United States of America. His original training was is psychology, and he holds a BA (Hons), MA (Hons) in Clinical Psychology and PhD.
He has occupied a broad range of roles in clinical practice and higher education (HE). In the HE context he has taught and directed programmes in Positive Psychology, Personality and Counselling Psychology and has held the roles of Senior Lecturer, Reader in Psychology, Programme Director, Head of Department and Dean of Students at City, University of London. His teaching specialism and extensive publications form the foundation for his unique approach to the management of stress and burnout in the workplace, coaching, mentoring and counselling.
His experience includes teaching, training, research and professional development of adults, advanced therapeutic competencies across a diverse range of clinical presentations and management within in a highly competitive sector. He has worked as a coach, mentor and trainer with senior executives from the banking, construction and health care sectors.
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To be recognised as outstanding in the field for developing and implementing unique solutions that enable individuals and organisations to be the very best they can.