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Malcolm Winstanley Cross





" an author and commentator with publications focusing on education, training and professional development, research methodologies, resistance to change, gender identity, stress, emotion and ethics, chronic healthconditions, ageing and mental health, the barriers to personal and professional reflection and its role in stifling the development of self-awareness and insight".  









Cross, MC, and Papadopoulos, L. (2001). Becoming a therapist. London: Rutledge. ISBN: 9780415221153. Reprinted 2006.


Papadopoulos, L, Cross, MC, and Bor, R. (2003). Reporting in counselling and psychotherapy. London: Routledge. ISBN: 9780415231947. Reprinted 2009.


Davy, J, and Cross, MC. (2004). Barriers, Defences and Resistance. London: Open University Press. ISBN: 9780335208869. Translated in to Mandarin.







Cross, MC, and Watson, JA. (1999). Personal construct psychology and the experience of emotion. In Fisher, JM, and Savage, DJ (Ed.), Understanding Personal Construct Psychology.  Farnborough: EPCA Publications.


Papadopoulos, L, and Cross, MC. (1999). What do I do if? Questions commonly asked by trainees. In Bor, R, and Watts, M (Ed.), The trainee handbook: A guide for counselling and psychotherapy trainees, London: Sage Publications Ltd. ISBN: 9780761958529.


Cross, MC, and Glass, D. (2001). Study habits and hints. In Bor, R, and Palmer, S (Ed.), A beginner's guide to training in counselling & psychotherapy, London: Sage Publications Ltd. ISBN: 9780761964308.


Epting, F, Gemingnani, M, and Cross, MC. (2003). An audacious adventure: personal construct counselling and psychotherapy. In Fransella, F (Ed.), International handbook of personal construct psychology, Chichester: Wiley. ISBN: 9780470847275.


Cross, MC, and Wood, J. (2005). The person in ethical decision-making: living with our choices. In Tribe, R, and Morrissey, J (Ed.), Handbook of professional and ethical practice for psychologists, counsellors and psychotherapists, Hove: Routledge. ISBN: 9781583919682. Revised edition reprinted in 2013.


Epting, F, Gemingnani, M, and Cross, M. (2005). An audacious adventure: personal construct counselling and psychotherapy. In Fransella, F (Ed.), The essential practitioner's handbook of personal construct psychology, Chichester: Wiley. ISBN: 9780470013236.


Papadopoulos, L, and Cross, MC. (2006). What do I do if? Questions commonly asked by trainees. In Bor, R, and Watts, MH (Ed.), The trainee handbook: a guide for counselling and psychotherapy trainees, (2nd). London: Sage Publications Ltd.


Cross, MC, and Papadopoulos, L. (2011). What do I do if? Questions commonly asked by trainees. In Bor, R, and Watts, MH (Ed.), The trainee handbook; a guide for counselling and psychotherapy trainees, (3rd). London: Sage Publications Ltd. ISBN: 9781849206266.

Penny, J. & Cross, M. (2014). The Self-Preservation Society: A Discourse Analysis of Male Heterosexual Therapists and Discourses of Sexual Attraction (p.173 - 192).  In Maria Luca (Eds.). Sexual Attraction in Therapy: Clinical Perspectives on Moving Beyond the Taboo - A Guide for Training and Practice. Wiley-Blackwell.  ISBN: 978-1-118-67434-5


Cross, MC, and Wood, J. (2015).  The person in ethical decison-making: living with our choices.  In Tribe, R, and Morriseey, J (Ed.), Handbook of professional and ethical practice for psychologogists, counsellors and psychotherapists, Hove: Routledge.  ISBN: 978-0-515-70528-8. (First printed in 2005).





Journal Articles


Cross, MC, and Watts, MH. (1997). Personal construct contributions to the conceptualising and treating of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. In Counselling Psychology Review,12(4), 158 - 169.


Bemrose, S, and Cross, MC. (1998). Working with parents- perspectives from Personal Construct Psychology. In Speech & Language Therapy in Practice, Spring9 - 13.


Cross, MC, and Watts, MH. (1998). Resuscitating the author: A protocol for the reflexive and recursive analysis of discourse. In Counselling Psychology Review, 13(4), 13 - 20.


Cross, MC, and Mackay, H. (1999). Working at cross-purposes? Using different theoretical perspectives in supervision to promote learning; a case study. In Counselling Psychology Review, 14(4), 4 - 11.


Cross, MC, and Papadopoulos, L. (1999). Helping trainee counselling psychologists: answers to some common questions. In Counselling Psychology Review, 14(3), 17 - 29.


Cross, MC. (2001). Issues in therapy with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender clients. In BRITISH JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE & COUNSELLING, 29(4), 469 - 471.


Cross, MC. (2001). The appropriation and reification of deviance([1]): personal construct psychology and affirmative therapy. A response to Harrison. In BRITISH JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE & COUNSELLING, 29(3), 337 - 343.


Mackay, H, and Cross, MC. (2001). Putting the Scientist Practitioner metaphor to the test: a trainee therapist’s leap of good faith in the treatment of PTSD. In Counselling Psychology Review, 16(2), 12 - 18.


Cross, MC, and Watts, MH. (2002). Trainee Perspectives on Counselling Psychology: articulating a representation of the discipline. In Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 15(4), 293 - 305.


Ploszajski, J, Cross, MC, and Popadopoulos, L. (2002). Teaching and learning trough client case studies: Counselling psychology in practice. In Counselling Psychology Review, 17(3), 36 - 44.


Walsh, Y, Frankland, A, and Cross, MC. (2004). Qualifying and working as a counselling psychologist in the United Kingdom. In Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 17(3), 317 - 328.


Cross, M, Epting, F, and Cross, MC. (2005). Self-obliteration, self-definition, self-integration: Claiming a homosexual identity. In JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIVIST PSYCHOLOGY, 18(1),53 - 63.


Cross, MC. (2007). Sexual Orientation and Mental Health: Examining identity and development in lesbian, gay and bisexual people. In Psychology Teaching Review, 13(1), 57 - 58.


Souvlakis, N, and Cross, MC. (2008). People's attitude to counselling. In Psicoterapia cognitiva e comportamentale, 14(2), 188 - 189.


Cross, MC. (2010). A user's guide to therapy: what to expect and how you can benefit. In BRITISH JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE & COUNSELLING, 38(2), 242 - 244.


Bonello, K, and Cross, MC. (2010). Gay Monogamy: I Love You But I Can't Have Sex With Only You. In JOURNAL OF HOMOSEXUALITY, 57(1), 117 - 139.


Coclami, T, and Cross, MC. (2011). Psychiatric co-morbidity with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. In World Health Organisation, Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 17(10), 777 - 783.


Lawrence, S., & Cross, M. (2013). Life transition with HIV: Some observations of the phenomenon of growing older with the infection. Counselling Psychology Review, 28(1), 25–36.


Lawrence, S, Miller, E, & Cross, M. (2014). The Scientist and the Artist: adaptive dissociation within the HIV-positive population.  The British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. (Published online 11th December 2014)


Lawrence, S., Mayon-White, E., and Cross, M., (2016).  Rethinking practitioner roles.  The Psychologist, May 2016, Vol 29, pp.326-331.







Cross, MC. (1995). Sexual-Behavior and AIDS - Spira,A, Bajos,N. In AIDS Care-Psychological and Socio-Medical aspects of AIDS/HIV, 7(5), 680 - 681.


Cross, M.C. (1996). Sexual Behaviour and AIDS,. AIDSCare, 7(5), 680-681.


Cross, M.C. (1996). Qualitative Methods in Psychology.  Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 10(1), 107-10.


Cross, M.C. (1997). Qualitative methods in psychology: A research guide - Banister,P, Burman,E, Parker,I, Taylor,M, Tindall,C. In JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIVIST PSYCHOLOGY, 10(1), 105 - 108.


Cross, M.C. (2013). Young people and the curse of ordinariness.  British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 41(1), 89–90.  



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