Mentoring Programmes
Maximising wellbeing and achieving optimal performance.
Our mentoring programme focuses on creating 2-way mentoring relationships with the aim of strengthening the horizontal and vertical connections that we believe are necessary for effective organisations. It has been well established in the literature that mentoring programmes have tangible benefits for individuals (the enhancement of person-centred-performance) and the organisation (strengthening and harnessing social capital).
This mentoring programme is built on training mentors and mentees in the foundation skills necessary to effectively engage in the mentoring process. Monitoring and regular reporting on progress toward corporate objectives (which might include for example; increased retention of particular staff demographic, corporate communication or sharing vision and values) is fundamental to all interventions.
The mentoring programmes have been specifically developed to take into account the highly intelligent and demanding customer groups that constitute executive staff and organisation talent.
All our programmes are scalable and can be rolled out from a single team to the entire organisation. In fact we encourage organisations to pilot in a particular area or directorate in order to assure themselves of the high quality of the programme, participant satisfaction and measurable outcomes.